a sunday well spent
Back to the story. Originally we'd considered skiing after the climb, but decided instead to spend the afternoon doing this:
Yes indeed, a Sunday well spent.
new perspectives
blue skies
may 6, 1992
Julie Grimm, our hero
typography, cold beer & cuban movie posters
photo magic
You will be a big fan, I can feel it. Enjoy!
Lately, I have felt really empty with the whole idea of making "art" to put in a gallery, to be examined and dissected by people who have such different agendas than I do. Some artists become artists because they are in love with the "art world" with knowing all the big names, all the big galleries, all the history. But that is not necessarily what inspires me to be an artist. I like all those things, but I don't soak it up the way I soak up breeds of horses for lack of a better example. Do you get what I'm saying here? I think when you really love something you should almost absorb and it should feel effortless even if it isn't.
But, I do love creativity. I love making things. I love imagination. And, at the same time, I love helping people, and being in nature.... I just have to figure out a way to combine it all. I know that for certain. What the disconnect means between me and the "art world" means I don't know. Maybe that's just a phase. Like I said, I haven't concretely decided "i am not going to be a professional artist (whatever that means)" but I am just trying to stay really in-tune with my real driving factors, and the possible paths those could take me on.
I spent this morning looking through my binoculars at this crazy ocean of hills I live in from the top of Steptoe Butte. I saw some exciting new birds, and some marmots. Unfortunately, no pictures.
So...I will just post another nice Costa Rica scene.
weekend past and weekend future
But still a bunch of talented guys, and I'm still a Yeasayer fan. So much so that I'm wearing the t-shirt today.
A and I decided we're going to Moab next weekend. We may or may not be accompanied by another couple, but either way we will go. With the dog. Which means we can't even mountain bike. But we'll still get to see the sights. Plus I've been feeling antsy about getting out sometime soon, so it'll be a welcome change of pace.
It's gonna look like this:
A Friday Present from Alex
3 items
(photos found at http://www.pbase.com/rskaltsc/costa_rica&page=all)
2. On Fridays I work later than usual, but usually still get up as early as every other day. Today I took Roux to downtown Golden for a little coffee and a general soaking up of the town and sunshine. It was a really lovely morning and it felt good to just be alone with the dog and the town.
3. Really love this shirt.
the light at the end
spring snow
dreaming of g.c.
old man
spider tree
The Spider Tree
I am consumed with exhilaration as I unhitch the gate and step out onto the orange street. My eyes are filled with the meandering "escape goats" (always a rope around their neck, the other end just dragging in the dirt), scrawny chickens, old men on even older bikes, and colorfully distressed colonial homes that speak of a very different time in this rural African town.
Two ancient trees mark the end of the block. Arriving under their limbs my chest tightens when i see an uncomfortably large spider dangling at just the right height to make me curve around it. I almost run, but can't help the urge to stop and look closer. As I trace my way up it 's web, my eyes, again, are filled. This time with countless amounts of spiders inhabiting every limb, and every space between limbs. I am surprised to find beauty. After a few moments my initial fear evaporates into pure wonder of the Spider Tree.
The brightly colored busyness of the shop street continues on by. But I am frozen, unable to stop staring at this spider metropolis, this tapestry of webs against the sky. Standing still and standing out in my bright green shirt, my head tilted upward, my blonde hair sticking to my back.
Finally returning my attention to the bustle of the street I notice two boys, the younger of which only wears one shoe. The inquisitive stare I receive from them is a stare i have grown used to in my time here, as well as the frequent shout of "Mazunga!" ("white girl.") I return the stare with a similar inquisitiveness. When these boys and I see each other I know we are fighting similar preconceived notions, fears, questions, so many things. And then we pause to look further. Further into our uniqueness. Further into our beautiful tapestry of differences. And we are mesmerized. We are just like the Spider Tree.
rock star
Also, I am about to start the moving process again. I picked up the lease papers the other day, and in about a month I will officially be living in this quirky little apartment.
upside down cake
Animals are still sick. (Although Roux appears to be on the speedy track to recovery).
Work was awful yesterday: the sort of day where I feel claustrophobic for the entire 8 hours and my coworkers are so petty that they take cheap, personal shots when it's completely uncalled for. Hard to brush it off, even if I do know I won't have to be here forever.
Then last night I decided to make this recipe. Her description totally won me over, and I love things with yogurt in them, so I'd been meaning to make it anyway when I was asked to bring something baked to a meeting I have tonight. Last night I toiled away in the kitchen, actually making two loafs thinking it would be nice to have one at home. After all, A has his huge test today and tomorrow, so wouldn't a little lemon blueberry cake ease the stress? I finished one successfully, but I was getting impatient waiting for the other one to cook (it was 10pm and I'm usually in bed by about 8:30), so I kept taking it out of the oven to check and see if it was done yet. I was sidling it back into the oven when the towel I was using to hold on to it slipped. For a split second I tried to catch it with my other hand, the way you do without really thinking about how touching the thing'll burn your skin off, but then it DID burn me, so I dropped it. And it landed face down all over the kitchen floor. Hot sticky dough flew everywhere. Cursing under my breath, I salvaged what I could and finished cooking it. This morning I actually heated it back up in the oven, because A isn't a believer in the microwave. It didn't look pretty, but I sort of thought it'd still taste alright. So there I am, being the lovely little supporter, heating up home made lemon cake (forget for a moment that I also smeared it across the kitchen floor), and I take it in to him, so sure that all the pain and suffering I endured making the damn thing would be worth the satisfaction of feeding it to someone else.
But he didn't like it and didn't want to eat it.
And I actually left the house in tears.
What on earth is wrong with me? What am I, a housewife from 1952? I don't know why I cared so much, but I did, and still sort of do, and must now heal my wounds with lots of espresso and the indulgence of foreign magazines at the nearby bookstore.
i'm going for it
Annick has not been herself lately - too thin, too mopey, too dull, too snotty in the right nostril. I kept taking her temperature, which is no small thing, having to be done in a horse bum, but she never had one so as per the advice of everyone I asked, I delayed calling the vet. Finally this weekend I decided I had to call him, temperature or no, Annick looked so terrible. He came yesterday afternoon, took x-rays of her sinus and did bloodwork. Still don't have the bloodwork back, but he did say she has a big ol' sinus infection. What do they do for equine sinus infections you might ask? They drill a hole in their heads. And then they insert little plastic tubes, and then you flush those tubes out twice a day. He said most horses this happens to are head shy forever after, and no wonder. I feel TERRIBLE I didn't call the vet earlier when maybe such drastic measures could be avoided. And I feel terrible that Annick has to go through so much pain and she will never understand why. I usually don't mind that animals can't speak english, but boy if they could just have the magical ability to understand what you were saying every now and then that'd really be helpful.
As if all the drama with Annick's illness wasn't enough, Roux is sick as well. Her little GI tract has been off lately, but yesterday she had the runs so bad I had to take her to the vet, too. She has a bacterial infection and will be on special food and antibiotics for the next week.
Hopefully tomorrow I will feel brave enough to venture out of my studio and get over the fear of seeing peoples' reactions.
(The next post will be number 100! What should we do to celebrate? It seems like just yesterday little WonderNet was only a couple posts old.)
love, love
run with a little muxtape
And actually, that's just a fraction of the total number.
3. A made a Muxtape. And we listened to everyone else's Muxtapes nonstop. While I liked it immediately, now I REALLY like it. Such a fabulous concept: it's a site where any old person can just upload their favorite mix. It's genius. Because how many mix cds do you have in your cd collection that you really love? They're awesome because they're combinations you'd never think of, and actually a really great way to discover new music.
spring's a-comin
I also wanted to post these photos of Roux. I know you're rolling your eyes for fear of something along the lines of Roux's favorite stuffed animals expose. This is different, if only because it's something I keep meaning to document.
Roux usually musters at least a forlorn look in my direction when I leave her - be it in the morning before work or to run errands in the afternoon - but she usually doesn't really care much. Sometimes though, she acts like I'm condemning her to spend eternity in a fiery hell when I don't bring her along. In these circumstances when I shut the door behind me she literally throws her entire body against the closed door. It's not just jumping. It's actually throwing herself against the thick wood in a last-ditch effort to convince me just how serious she is about coming along. It's such a despairing act, it makes it virtually impossible for me to leave. Very effective manipulation on her part. Despite the fact that I feel terrible when this happens in real life, I set her up to do it so I could take pictures. And then I didn't have my aperture set correctly, so I did it again. For a solid 10-15 minutes, I not only endured her tortured attempts to be included in whatever I was doing - I encouraged them. The result? Photos that are actually kind of creepy. But I do think they accurately capture her angst.
But don't worry - right after I subjected her to the torture, I opened the door, fed her cookies and took her on a lengthy morning stroll, which in a dog's life cancels out any previous discomfort. All's well and good, and by now it's long forgotten.