A few things.
I don't have TV anymore . So, I was excited to catch some political action last night in a hotel room with my folks. I'm not sure if you and A are big CNN watchers, but if you have a spare couple hours (which I know you might in the next couple weeks) you should watch the Rick Warren interview with Obama and McCain on youtube (
here). Once again, Obama has completely impressed me with his wisdom, thoughtfulness, and intelligence. The difference between the men is night and day, as it should be between the two parties. I suppose people respond positively to McCain because he seems to be so black and white in his answers, but that is actually what makes me nervous about him. People often don't like to think for themselves, and would rather fall in line behind some strong willed leader despite the direction he may be leading them. I'm not convinced that he really thinks about his answers , but rather spouts out what he knows the people want to hear. To me his tactics are transparent. Telling his war stories over and over to gain sympathy, bringing up war and naming evil as much as possible to keep people afraid. I'm sure he is not an altogether terrible person, but I really , really, REALLY would love to experience an America led by a man like Obama for a change.
Moving on.
I saw Mamma Mia tonight. Even if you are not big on musicals, being set in Greece, it is an hour and forty eight minutes of visual delight. I walked out of the theater brainstorming ways I could spend some time there, and with the urge to play dress up and sing my heart out.
Finally, my recent favorite downloads. The New Pornographers, not new to the music scene, but new to me.
And Chris Letcher. I've only just downloaded his music in the last few minutes, but between the album cover and the song Deep Frieze, I know I am going to enjoy his company.