
for your pocket

Finally got my act together and snapped a few photos for you so that when you are out perusing around Mediterranean Europe you can have a small mental image of my location. I also wanted to make sure you could catch a glimpse of my favorite cow because I know how thrilled you were that cows were also in the job description (I'll get you a shot of the 4-wheeler asap). I'm so looking forward to your Europe posts, and I can hardly believe you are jetting off in just two days! I really think this is going to be an incredible experience for you.


Claire said...

it's all beautiful. especially the cow.

Anonymous said...

There is something rather frightening about that cow...and I'm still trying to self-analyze what that's all about. Where one sees beauty and experiences awe, another sees animalistic power and experiences fright. That's all I've got for now.


lauren said...

you know what's funny about that cow shauna? It's the same type we saw all over in Uganda....add that to your analysis.