
little bronze horse

Because Annick recently torqued her leg I've been required to get out to the barn basically every day since Tuesday. In a way, it's a bit of a bother. The drive is about 45 minutes through curvy canyon roads, which while pretty can also be irritating to drive in, and working full time just generally doesn't leave a ton of free time. So I've been taking Roux with me every day to get dog + horse time in simultaneously. She's turning into quite the barn dog; a huge improvement over the days when she wouldn't even get out of the car if she so much as smelled a horse. I keep her tied because I have diminished trust in her ability to freely roam amongst horses, but she is happy to keep a look out.

Being around Annick on such a frequent basis reminds me how much I love horses. She is an especially good horse, just a really gentle soul, that Annick. She's healing up nicely but I've decided I am going to set a goal of making it out there at least twice a week from here on out. Plus, I'll be able to ride starting April when the rest of the snow melts. I find I'm rather looking forward to that as well. I also have high hopes for the ever fragile Roux/Annick relationship. As of now, this is the only way to get a photo of them both:
On Tuesday while I was waiting for the vet I spent some time photographing the barn. I really, really love that little barn.

love, love

1 comment:

lauren said...

your latest photos are so great Claire. You are really becoming a whiz at that thing.
They also made me really miss you, especially being around barns and horses and dogs with you.