
spring's a-comin

It's true. Spring really is fast approaching. Here's proof:


I also wanted to post these photos of Roux. I know you're rolling your eyes for fear of something along the lines of Roux's favorite stuffed animals expose. This is different, if only because it's something I keep meaning to document.

Roux usually musters at least a forlorn look in my direction when I leave her - be it in the morning before work or to run errands in the afternoon - but she usually doesn't really care much. Sometimes though, she acts like I'm condemning her to spend eternity in a fiery hell when I don't bring her along. In these circumstances when I shut the door behind me she literally throws her entire body against the closed door. It's not just jumping. It's actually throwing herself against the thick wood in a last-ditch effort to convince me just how serious she is about coming along. It's such a despairing act, it makes it virtually impossible for me to leave. Very effective manipulation on her part. Despite the fact that I feel terrible when this happens in real life, I set her up to do it so I could take pictures. And then I didn't have my aperture set correctly, so I did it again. For a solid 10-15 minutes, I not only endured her tortured attempts to be included in whatever I was doing - I encouraged them. The result? Photos that are actually kind of creepy. But I do think they accurately capture her angst.

But don't worry - right after I subjected her to the torture, I opened the door, fed her cookies and took her on a lengthy morning stroll, which in a dog's life cancels out any previous discomfort. All's well and good, and by now it's long forgotten.

1 comment:

lauren said...

it has yet to crack 55 degrees here....and doesn't look like it's going to happen in the near future.

and, those roux pics are really interesting. but, i sort of wish someone had been taking pitures of you taking pictures of your torture acts.