There's good news and bad news.
Good news: I received my swap! in the mail, and not only was there no antrhax, but it included a game of jacks (among many other fun things). Last night I forced Alex to play, pretty much against his will, but I think he realized during the course of the game just how great it is. My sister and I used to play jacks in the airport, which might sound like a rare occasion, but for us that meant a lot of jack-playing. Turns out the super hard carpeting they have in the Miami International Airport is better for playing jacks than our cement patio or our hardwood floors in the basement. The package also included a big pink bouncy ball, which Roux promptly stole for her own amusement. We spent the evening last night forcing Roux to sit by and watch us play jacks (she really wanted to participate), and then played bouncy ball with her. It was like being a kid again. So thanks, swap! partner.
Bad news: I fear the swap! I received was better than the one I sent out. Such is always the problem with the exchanging of any sort of gift; someone always outdoes the other. So on that note, sorry, swap! partner!
In other news, I finally finished editing photos from a shoot I did last week. I'll have more about it on the Denver Dog Photography blog, but here's one my favorites.
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